1. Are you male of female?
- Male
- Female
- Prefer not to say
2. How old are you?
- 16 and under
- 17-25
- 26-30
- 31-40
- 41 and over
3. What is you occupation?
- Student
- Public sector
- Private Sector
- Self Employed
- Unemployed
4. Do you go to the cinema? If so how often?
- No
- Yes - rarely
- Yes - occasionally
- Yes - once a month
- Yes - twice a month
- Yes - once a week
- Yes - more tan once a week
5. What is your favourite film genre?
- Comedy
- Action
- Adventure
- Si-Fi
- Horror
- Romance
- Fantasy
- Animation/Cartoon
- Other (please specify)
6. Who do you normally go to the cinema with?
- Large group (5 or more)
- Small group (2 to 4)
- One friend
- Significant other
- Family
- Alone
7. What are your reasons for going to the cinema?
- Film plot
- Genre
- Actors/actresses involved
- Director
- Socialise
8. Based on the synopsis below, would you be likely to go see this film at a cinema? Specify your reasons why.
- Yes
- No
9. If you would not see this film at the cinema would you consider to wait for its DVD release?
- Yes
- No
10. Would you recommend this film to others based on its synopsis?
- Yes
- No
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