Monday, 17 November 2014

Film Distribution

What is meant by the term film distribution?
Film distribution is when the film is released to many screens. Distributers have to determine how best to sell the film to the audience, this includes advertising as well as the display of the film itself. When distributing a film it has to be advertised as well as released in cinemas and on DVD or Blu-ray or streaming sites. When distributing the aim is to let it reach as many of the audience as is possible.

What does a film distributor do?
The distributors will complete the marketing to entice an audience to watch the film. It will then release the film in cinemas, again trying to reach an audience as big as possible. A film distributer has to decide which area would be most successful in the release of the film depending on the nationality of the film as well as the method of marketing and advertising. The methods of distribution can vary depending on the company’s reference to distribution.

How does reach relate to film distribution?
Reach is literally the film reaching out when advertising. It is how many media platforms the advertising campaign uses and how it reaches the audience. The campaign can use platforms such as television, radio, billboards, posters on buses and various others. The size of the reach can have an effect on the budget. If a big reach is used then there will be less money to use on the film as well as less profit being made. However if a large reach is used and it is successful, such as the Woman in Black campaign, then it can benefit the film and help to make more money.

What is meant by the distribution plan?
The distribution plan is looking at where the film will be released. When planning the distribution things such as competition and the areas where the target audience live would be taken into consideration. The distribution plan will also affect the budget of the film. The wider it is released the more it will cost.

What is meant by the marketing plan?
A marketing plan looks at the whole project and takes every aspect into consideration. It will look at the films locations, costume and props, its advertising campaign and possible merchandise. The marketing plan looks at every aspect to create an estimated budget for the film.

What is the difference between advertising, publicity and promotion?
Advertising is what introduces the audience to the film using trailers, posters, adverts etc. this is all done within the film’s budget.

Publicity is the response of the film. It has anything to do with the response from people not involved in the planning or making of the film. This includes critic’s reviews, discussions from audiences, and articles in news.

Promotion is done through the use of advertising in places where conventional advertising cannot be placed. This includes in restaurants in shops. This also includes the use of merchandise which can also be found in the same location. The use of competitions and collectable items can help to promote the film.

Find a teaser poster, main poster and main trailer for a horror film and put them on your Blog – who was the distributor and in how many countries was it released? Can you find how many screens it was shown in on the opening weekend?

28 Days Later teaser poster

28 Days Later main poster

28 Days Later trailer

28 Days Later box office details

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